New Union Honor Proposal Form Step 1 of 2 50% As part of the committee charge, the Honors and Recognition Committee has oversight of the entire Honors Program, including Union-level medals, awards, and prizes. The committee is charged with reviewing new Union honors proposals. All Union honors require both Council and Board approval upon recommendations of the Honors and Recognition Committee before implementation. The Honors and Recognition (H&R) Committee reviews new award proposals at their spring meeting in May. To submit your proposal for consideration, please complete the form below. Proposals must be submitted by 1 April for consideration at the H&R Committee spring meeting. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].Please select the honor type you are submitting a propsal for:* Union Award Union Medal Union Prize Award/Medal/Prize Title:*Please provide the name of the proposed award/medal/prize. If you are naming the award/medal/prize in honor of an individual, please review the Naming Policy for AGU Honors prior to moving forward. Background:*Describe the rationale for proposing the award/medal/prize. If you are naming the award/medal/prize after an individual, please provide the following: (1) brief bio and (2) rationale for naming the honor after him/her. Goal and Scope Statement:*Describe the vision and/or goal for proposing the award/medal/prize. Citation:*Provide a one-sentence citation, which encompasses the goal and scope of the proposed award/medal/prize. Citation should not exceed 150 characters.Criteria:*Identify clear and specific criteria for the award/medal/prize.Type and Frequency:*Please indicate how often this award/medal/prize will be given: Annually Biennially (odd years) Biennially (even years) Please indicate how many recipients will be selected per nomination cycle (i.e., one honoree; one to three honorees, etc.):*Select scientific discipline for award/medal/prize:* Interdisciplinary Multidisciplinary (please select all disciplines that are applicable): Atmospheric and Space ElectricityAtmospheric SciencesBiogeosciencesCryosphere SciencesEarth and Planetary Surface ProcessesEarth and Space Information InformaticsEducationGeodesyGeomagnetism, Paleomagnetism and ElectromagnetismGlobal Environmental ChangeHydrologyMineral and Rock PhysicsNatural HazardsNear-Surface GeophysicsNonlinear GeophysicsOcean SciencesPaleoceanography and PaleoclimatologyPlanetary SciencesSeismologySocietal Impacts and Policy SciencesSpace Physics and AeronomyTectonphysicsVolcanology, Geochemistry, and PetrologyEligibility:*AGU membership is not required for nominees (this is applicable to any Union Award and Medal). Indicate the career stage for award/medal/prize: Please note that Union-level honors must follow the career stage definitions established by AGU. Student: currently enrolled in an institution Recent graduate/Post-doc: recent graduate is five years post PhD or highest equivalent terminal degree Early-Career: within 10 years of receiving their PhD or highest equivalent terminal degree Middle Career: within 20 years of receiving their PhD or highest equivalent terminal degree Senior Scientist: experience and sustained career; established leader in their field Please indicate if there are any other eligibility requirements unique to the award/medal/prize.Financial Implications (if applicable):Indicate if the honoree will receive (1) a monetary prize, (2) waiver(s) for Fall Meeting registration, and/or housing, and/or (3) travel reimbursement. If a monetary award is included in the recognition, please specify details associated with the reward; i.e. funding specifics, etc. Nomination and Selection Process: All Union honors are required to follow the nomination requirements and selection process outlined below, unless otherwise specified. Nominator must be an AGU member. Supporters are not required to be an AGU member. Co-Nominator/Co-Supporter Policy: In addition to a nominator, a nomination package can only have one co-nominator and three supporters All nominations, nominators, supporters, and nominees must follow and uphold the AGU Conflict of Interest Policy (COI) Nomination Package Requirements: Nomination letter CV Bibliography 3 letters of support Timeline: Nomination and Selection Process: All Union honors will follow the same timeline established by AGU for the nomination and review process. Nomination period: September – 15 March Review period: 1 May – 15 June Selection Committee: All AGU Honors selection committees are appointed by the AGU President. AGU Ethics Policies: Participants in the Union Honors Program (i.e., nominators, selection committees and honorees) are subject to the following: AGU Conflict of Interest Policy: Honors Program Professional Conduct Self-Disclosure Form