Elevator pitches and presentations workshop Wednesday, November 15 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM eastern time Learn best practices for making short, clear, and interesting statements and talks about your science. Name* First Last Institution/Affiliation*Email* In one or two sentences, describe a study or aspect of your science that you would really like to tell non-scientists about and why it matters to you.*How many times in the last year have you spoken about your work – with a policy maker, journalist, community group or other general audience ?* None 1-3 3-10 More than 10 What would you most like to learn about communicating science to broad audiences?*When talking with non-scientists, what is the one question you hope no one asks you? (What is the one question you're most afraid of getting?)What is your area of study?What is your area of study?Which of these titles best describes you?*Undergraduate StudentGraduate Student/PhD studentPost-doc/Early-career scientistEstablished scientistFacultyScientist in an administrative positionNon-scientist in an administrative positionRetired scientistOther (please specify)OtherWhat title best describes you?CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.