AGU Position Statement Proposal Form Note that review of submissions is done on a quarterly basis. If the subject matter is especially timely, you may request a more immediate review by emailing [email protected] after submitting your proposal. Name* First Last Affiliation/Employer* Email* Have you read all of AGU’s current position statements?* Yes No You must read all of the Position Statements in order to propose a new statementTopic*Please identify the topic of the position statement you propose (e.g., Ocean Research, Climate Change, Scientific Data Management, K-12 Education)Goal Statement*Please describe the proposed outcome(s) of this position statement. What is its intended purpose?Primary Intended Audience*PolicymakersResource ManagersAcademic communityScientists - GeneralAGU membershipGeneral PublicMediaOtherComments:Comments:Dissemination Plan*Please identify two or three avenues by which AGU might disseminate the position statement. Dissemination method should be appropriate for the audience identified above. Examples might include EOS (for a scientific audience), one-pager provided to legislative offices (for a policy audience), press release to media outlets (for a general public audience.)Background*Please describe the need for the statement. What is the state of affairs on this topic? Describe the connection, if any, to a current AGU position statement.Key Points to be included in a Position Statement*Please include 5-10 key points in bullet form that might be considered for inclusion in or serve as an outline for the position statement. If the statement idea is chosen to advance, these bullets will be considered by a panel assigned to draft the position statement.CAPTCHA