AGU Mentoring Network – Returning Mentor Application Step 1 of 3 33% Name*Email address associated with AGU membership*Have there been any changes to your institution in the past year? AvailabilityMentoring Network Groups will again meet once a month. Please select the times you are available within a given week. Mondays 8:00 AM Eastern 9:00 AM Eastern 10:00 AM Eastern 11:00 AM Eastern 12:00 PM Eastern 1:00 PM Eastern 2:00 PM Eastern 3:00 PM Eastern 4:00 PM Eastern 5:00 PM Eastern 6:00 PM Eastern 7:00 PM Eastern Tuesdays 8:00 AM Eastern 9:00 AM Eastern 10:00 AM Eastern 11:00 AM Eastern 12:00 PM Eastern 1:00 PM Eastern 2:00 PM Eastern 3:00 PM Eastern 4:00 PM Eastern 5:00 PM Eastern 6:00 PM Eastern 7:00 PM Eastern Wednesdays 8:00 AM Eastern 9:00 AM Eastern 10:00 AM Eastern 11:00 AM Eastern 12:00 PM Eastern 1:00 PM Eastern 2:00 PM Eastern 3:00 PM Eastern 4:00 PM Eastern 5:00 PM Eastern 6:00 PM Eastern 7:00 PM Eastern Thursdays 8:00 AM Eastern 9:00 AM Eastern 10:00 AM Eastern 11:00 AM Eastern 12:00 PM Eastern 1:00 PM Eastern 2:00 PM Eastern 3:00 PM Eastern 4:00 PM Eastern 5:00 PM Eastern 6:00 PM Eastern 7:00 PM Eastern Fridays 8:00 AM Eastern 9:00 AM Eastern 10:00 AM Eastern 11:00 AM Eastern 12:00 PM Eastern 1:00 PM Eastern 2:00 PM Eastern 3:00 PM Eastern 4:00 PM Eastern 5:00 PM Eastern 6:00 PM Eastern 7:00 PM Eastern Mentor Agreement I earned my doctoral degree at least 5 years prior to the time of application. I will respect the views of my mentees and co-mentor although they may be different than my own. I will convey an honest view of Earth and/or space science as a discipline and a career. I will complete brief, regularly scheduled online surveys to help evaluate my progress and the efficacy of the program. I agree to abide by the Code of Conduct. I agree to abide by the Privacy Statement. I agree to abide by the Conflict of Interest. I agree to abide by the AGU Scientific Integrity and Professional Ethics. Please enter your full name and check the box below to indicate your agreement.Full Name*I agree* By checking this box and signing your name, you agree to abide by the eligibility requirements listed above. NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.