Virtual Workshop
Learn how to make your science communication relevant, engaging, and memorable with a focus on public outreach.
Scientists from all disciplines and of all communications experience levels are welcome. This workshop is free but space is limited and advance registration is required.
Why participate?
CONNECT! Find new friends and colleagues among your fellow attendees, who also value science communication and outreach.
RELATE! Cement your ability to interact with audiences as you frame messages based on your goals and theirs.
LEARN! Develop new skills about distilling information, eliminating jargon, telling stories, and making strong messages that will resonate with different audiences.
INTERACT! Work with others to deepen your thinking, ask new questions, and build new frames for science communication.
PRACTICE! Use role play to try out your new skills and messages and put yourself in the shoes of others as you pretend to be a variety of audiences.
18 September, 2020
2:00 – 5:00 PM
Thanks for your interest in our Sharing Science workshop! Unfortunately, we are at capacity. Please email [email protected] w/ the subject "IU science communication waitlist" and we'll put you on the waitlist.