Communicating Science to Policymakers – Portland State University Name* First Last Title*If student, write "Student"DepartmentIf you are affiliated with a specific department, please list itEmail* PhoneTwitter HandleHow would you summarize your research/work/studies in 100 words or less using plain language for a general audience?*How many times in the last year have you spoken about your work with a policymaker?* None 1-3 3-10 More than 10 If you have communicated with a policymaker, tell us a little about those experiences.What would you most like to learn about communicating science to, and working with, policymakers?*Do you feel researchers face barriers that make it difficult for them to work with policymakers? If so, what are those barriers, and how can scientists overcome them?When talking with non-researchers, what is the one question you hope no one asks you? (What is the one question you're most afraid of getting?)*What is your area of study?What is your area of study?Which of these titles best describes you?*Undergraduate StudentGraduate Student/PhD studentPost-doc/Early-career scientistEstablished scientistFacultyScientist in an administrative positionNon-scientist in an administrative positionRetired scientistOther (please specify)OtherWhat title best describes you?What is your employment sector?*CorporateGovernment-Federal/NationalGovernment-Local/RegionalMilitaryNon-Profit/NGOOther Academic (K-12)RetiredSelf-EmployedUniversity/College/Higher EducationOther (please specify)OtherWhat is your employment sector?How did you hear about this workshop?*Email from my institutionSharing Science social mediaAGU social mediaFriend/colleagueSharing Science newsletterSharing Science websiteOtherOtherHow did you learn about this workshop?PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.